Harvest Agri is a trusted supplier of measuring instruments for scientific agriculture.

Harvest Agri Ltd is a small, home-based company selling sophisticated instruments for AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH as well as practical instruments for GENERAL FARMING use. We also supply organically registered ORGANIC INPUTS like biostimulants and biofertilisers so that once a problem is recognised, you can do something about it. We not only supply instruments but can also provide relevant technical knowledge in their use.

With 50 years of scientific agriculture experience, we are the specialists in practical instruments for measuring and weighing key agricultural variables. 

What We Offer

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Our products are practical, highly affordable, mostly hand held instruments from respected local and international sources. Tested by time. See our principal suppliers below.

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Our range is available for delivery anywhere in UK. Depending on the product, delivery is usually made within a week of order. Larger, imported items usually in about 3 weeks. The flat delivery fee is to encourage orders of larger quantity.

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Most products have a one year manufacturer’s warranty but we are happy to immediately accept for full credit any product which is not fit for purpose.

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We strive for customer satisfaction. Instrument readings are useful only if you know what they mean. We can help you interpret the result and discuss what action to take.

Proudly Representing